
The history of the holding group of enterprises dates back to 2003. The first enterprise - Zalesskoye Moloko CJSC - had its beginning with a few dozens of hectares of cultivated fields.

In 2004, the first dairy complex for 1,400 milking herds of "Novoye Vysokovskoye" Ltd. was opened. That's how the history of dairy farming in the holding began.
2004 is the year of foundation of "Zalessky nursery" Ltd, which is engaged in cultivation of the planting stock of the decorative and fruit cultures, perennial flowers.

In 2006, the beginning of investment in the construction of a new farm on the basis of LLC "Novoye Vysokovskoye"

In 2007 we opened a branch on land improvement works and drainage of Ltd. "Zalessky Agroservis" that enables us to prepare the fields for sowing crops by our own resources.

In 2010 we launched a milk processing plant Ltd "Zalessky farmer". This allowed the holding not only to produce raw materials, but also to process them into finished products for the consumers.

Opening of LLC "Zalessky Farmer".
In 2011, it was decided to expand the dairy industry with the construction of two large complexes: a dairy complex "Zalessye-Agro" Ltd for 3000 milking cows and a calf housing complex "Tribal Farm Vysokoye" Ltd for 5000 heads of young stock.

In 2012 we took a decree on creation of a structure that will deal with procurement of main forages for our cattle-breeding complexes - Zalesskiye Korma Ltd.

In 2013 the group of companies is replenished with a livestock breeding complex Malinovka Ltd. for 2000 milking cows. The total livestock of the complex exceeded the milestone of 10,000 cows.
In 2013, we opened the Dom Lesnika Hotel, located in a historical building dating back to 1925 in Sosnovka Settlement, where the forestry department used to be located.

In 2014, Zalesye-Agro LLC and Vysokoye Breeding Farm LLC were put into operation. The total cattle population of the group crossed the 10,000-head mark.
2014 - expansion of Zalessie Nursery LLC, planting of a fruit orchard.
2014 saw the establishment of Service Agro Ltd, which is engaged in service maintenance of livestock complexes.
It was decided to create another structure that will be engaged in the procurement of basic fodder for our livestock complexes - Sosnovka LLC. The holding already has three operating structures engaged in crop farming and fodder procurement.

Started the enterprise LLC "Center for Veterinary Research", which at the time was engaged in the study of milk.

In 2016, it was decided to expand the dairy direction, the construction of the largest complex began: a dairy complex Ltd. "Kashtanovka" JV " Krasniy Yar" for 3900 heads of milking herd and calf complex Ltd. "Kashtanovka" JV "Saranskoye" for 3400 heads of young animals. Also, this year the construction of a breeding and genetic center of InterGen Rus Ltd. started.
Also, this year the construction of the breeding and genetic center of InterGen Rus LLC started.

In 2020, both complexes of "Kashtanovka" were put into operation,
the total herd amounting to 18,000 head of cattle.
Also, the breeding
and genetic center of InterGen Rus Ltd. was put into operation.
Both structures were opened in July 2020.

In 2021, the Veterinary Research Center Ltd. expanded its laboratory, which enabled it to do not only milk tests, but also fodder and blood tests.

In 2022, InterGen Rus LLC launched the technology of dividing the seed by gender into female and male. Commissioning of the first apartment building from the post-Soviet period in the village of Zalesye for employees of the holding.

2023 – expansion of LLC Zalesye-Agro by 500 heads Design of a new livestock complex for 6,000 heads. Expansion of the grain drying complex to 55,000 tons of one-time storage.
Areas of activity
The holding company has 6 main directions of activity and 18 companies.